Autumn and winter great Tits gather in flocks and wander in the woods and gardens…

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Dogs and cats in good hands
You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to…

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Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans
According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand…


Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…


Kyrgyzstan – the birthplace of the mammoths?
The other day in Bishkek brought the remains of an ancient animal, who two weeks…


Unusual Pets and their costs
Studies prove that Pets help avoid depression, asthma, allergies and improve the dynamics of family…


Pets that eat rodents?
All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay…


Unusual Pets and their costs
Studies prove that Pets help avoid depression, asthma, allergies and improve the dynamics of family…


Plants dangerous for Pets
There are many plants that are dangerous not only for humans but also for Pets.…

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