Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan
According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with…

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Cat breeds
Believe it or not, but a long time ago in one of the monasteries of…

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How to feed Pets in crisis: expert
In connection with the fall of the ruble pet food has risen sharply. Many owners…


Stick insects - Unusual Pets
Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too…


15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…



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Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans

According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand people . that is, one person in every 10 minutes. Economic damage this disease ranks fifth and is the tenth leading cause of death amongst infectious diseases. From 30 to 60 percent of victims are children under the age of 15 years.

Rabies is a deadly viral disease, the pathogen which attacks the Central nervous system and leads usually to death. Infection of humans comes from domestic and wild animals, mostly carnivores, as a result of close contact with infected saliva or bites and causing scratches.

The incubation period of rabies lasts from 10 days to 1 year (usually 1-3 months).

Clinical signs of the disease appear most often after 3 to 8 weeks after infection. A reliable diagnosis of rabies is established only in the laboratory.

In dogs and cats clinically distinguish two main forms of the disease: the lush and quiet. Often rabies can occur in atypical forms.

Clinical signs of rabies in humans. In the beginning of the disease in humans marked depression, high temperature and fever, itching at the bite site.Later manifested a respiratory embarrassment, fearfulness. Stage of excitation is characterized by a fear of water. At the end of the disease is para Continue reading

Cat breeds

Believe it or not, but a long time ago in one of the monasteries of Ancient Burma (now Myanmar) was an amazing event.

According to legend, the robbers attacked the Church and wanted to steal the stored gold-plated statue of the goddess Tsun Huangze. The robbers almost won, when suddenly there was a loud scream that came from the favorite of the deceased elders of the local monks — the cat Sinha, who was sitting on the head of his master.

Large, weighing about 10-15 pounds, with long hair on the abdomen and the back, but almost shorthaired at the front, with tassels on the ears and a soft, inaudible tread – such a description rather evokes associations with a wild cat or reed cat, but not with a pet. However, it is still cats, great Pets cats breeds Maine Coon, or, as they are called Maine Coon cats.

These animals are exceptionally friendly disposition, very hardy and very active, I love to play different games and also get along well with children. Continue reading

The biggest cat in the world

The cat is now one of the most popular Pets. The so-called animal companion. Once thought that the domestic cat is a separate species. In fact, this predator, is a mammal of the cat family. Now familiar to all of us the cat is considered as a subspecies of forest cat. It was domesticated about 10 thousand years ago. According to some data, today, worldwide, there are about 600 million pet cats. They all belong to one of 256 species. This long-haired (Persian cat) and a fully bald (Sphynx). And all so different.

Cats grow all different. Relating to size. The smallest cat breed Singapore. An adult animal reaches 2 pounds of weight. By the way, they entered in the Guinness Book of records as the smallest. But for the title the barley house cat fighting two breeds. This is Asher and Maine Coon (Maine Coon cat). For a long time the Maine Coon held the palm. Mature males of this breed can weigh up to 10 pounds. And externally the animal looks like a lynx, he has the same ear tufts and tiger feet. There are similarities and Ocheretyany kit. However, unlike wild cousins, the Maine Coon is quite friendly. Continue reading

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15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…


Expensive breeds of cats
Cats – one of the oldest companions of the man. Most of us are accustomed…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…


The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…


World of animals: best of the best
Amazing and diverse world of animals . Most of the most: the smallest. the most…

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