What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…

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TOP 7 most dangerous animals
We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even…

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Can a pregnant to take care of Pets?
Pregnancy and Pets. What can be the care of Pets during pregnancy? Many pregnant women…


Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans
According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand…


Dogs and cats carry more than 30 pathogens
Rabies vaccination does not guarantee complete safety of your pet, as dogs and cats carry…



A family dog

In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, Arctic foxes, wild and domestic dogs. Almost all dog — clever and skillful hunters. They have an elongated snout with strong jaws, which is convenient to reach for the victim in the pursuit and to apply her many sharp teeth biting, until she falls from his wounds. For fast running dog has got sturdy body and long strong legs with powerful blunt claws.

The gray wolf

Ordinary, or gray, wolf — “the face” of the canine and Central view of the large kind of wolves. Big, strong and ruthless predator, the wolf inhabits the whole Northern part of the Earth’s land, from the tundra of the far North of Eurasia and North America to the Arabian desert and the Indian jungle. In winter hungry wolves gather in large flocks to hunt for large prey: moose, deer, wild boar. The pack led by the alpha male — the strongest and most experienced wolf. In the pack only the alpha male and his spouse, substance wolf, better offspring. Cubs feed the whole pack. In the summer, when it’s easier to find food, the wolf pack often break, and the wolves live alone.

Living in different conditions, the wolves look different. Forest wolves, the inhabitants of dense thickets, are darker than their cousins from the southern desert, which hides in the sand light gray-beige wool. In the tundra and in the eternal Arctic ice there live the large Arctic wolves. Spending most of the year in the snow, these wolves became white. Summer in the tundra for the wolves of Novodevichy is small and similar to mice rodents lemmings, and hares, and arriving on nesting geese. Continue reading

The puppy not peeing outside

Puppies of some breeds learn “to go to the toilet on the street” in 4 months, most of them in 7-8 months and some breeds are notorious late and difficult to get used to the cleanliness. More on this later. Even if your puppy by age still can’t stand the house and all the “things” to do on the street, that doesn’t mean he needs to pee and to poop only at home — so he’ll never learn clean.

There are a few tricks will help your puppy make his first puddle on the street.

1) Note what time the puppy wakes up. Prepare everything in advance — the shoes, the coat, the hat… All is right in my pajamas it was possible to throw on the robe and drag the kid outside. Set the alarm clock. Get up — sleepy puppy to the household, quickly snapped up the robe and on the hands bring out your pet on the lawn. Walk 5-10 minutes. Did not work? Upset early.

2) Before you feed the puppy, put on his collar and leash. Put the bowl. Once he ate on the right hand and stand on the lawn. There again waiting for 5-10 minutes. If during this time did not work — your dog is just heroically sustained. Patiently waited and waited and all brought home. Rejoice! His body pozvolyaya to control their own impulses, and therefore once he masters the cleanliness will be as hard all “to convey” to the street. Continue reading

World of animals: best of the best

Amazing and diverse world of animals . Most of the most: the smallest. the most large. the fastest its representatives — the heroes of our article.

Definitely the best in the world the animals — they are our beloved Pets. But, like people (and we also belong to the class of animals) in the animal world also has its records.

World of animals: biggest

Is the blue whale. Thirty-three meters — that the registered length of the female mammal. And its weight is almost 200 tonnes. Moreover, almost 30% of the body is the head of the marine colossus. And his tongue weighs 4 000 kg.

The largest land animal — the elephant savanna. This giant is listed in the Guinness book of world records. The largest elephant in Savannah weighed over 12 tons. This animal was killed in Angola in the second half of the twentieth century (1974)

The largest wild cat — the Amur tiger. The length of males is more than 3 meters, and weighs over two hundred pounds.

One of the biggest representative of the cat — the Liger. This beast is to treat the hybrids. Read more about it on.

The biggest cloven-hoofed animal — the bison. This giant is listed in the Red book. It weighs a ton, body length is three meters. And the height ( at the shoulder is about two hundred centimeters. Continue reading

Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…


Autumn and winter great Tits gather in flocks and wander in the woods and gardens…


Kyrgyzstan – the birthplace of the mammoths?
The other day in Bishkek brought the remains of an ancient animal, who two weeks…


Unusual Pets: Iguana common
Thinking about Pets in the first place, remember the cats and dogs. It is of…


Can a pregnant to take care of Pets?
Pregnancy and Pets. What can be the care of Pets during pregnancy? Many pregnant women…

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