A family dog
In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes,…

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In Italy ban circus animals
Among European countries, which banned the use of animals in circuses, intends to accede and…

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Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


Pets that eat rodents?
All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay…


The animals and people of different viral diseases.
On Friday in mass-media appeared information that Pets can catch the flu from their owners.…



Cat food, canned food for cats, dry food for cats

The very first Pets were cats, and they have to this day never cease to be favorites of many. Since these animals for a well looked after, and not chewing on everything, they prefer many other Pets. But since the cat settling next to him, her diet is changing dramatically, it is necessary to know features of the structure of the digestive tract, to prevent terrible mistakes in the diet and not to bring the animal to disease. So, cats are carnivores and their digestive system is shorter. This means that in the diet of a pet is always a higher percentage must be present meat than other products.

Feed the cat from the master’s table, even if You are willing to give her the most, in Your opinion tasty, not worth it, because it’s no good will not. And prepare for pet helpful meals very expensive, as many of us simply do not have time.

That’s why, for over half a century, many owners prefer to feed your pet ready products, specially prepared for him.

Today there are a large variety of products for Pets, these include: Continue reading

A family dog

In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, Arctic foxes, wild and domestic dogs. Almost all dog — clever and skillful hunters. They have an elongated snout with strong jaws, which is convenient to reach for the victim in the pursuit and to apply her many sharp teeth biting, until she falls from his wounds. For fast running dog has got sturdy body and long strong legs with powerful blunt claws.

The gray wolf

Ordinary, or gray, wolf — “the face” of the canine and Central view of the large kind of wolves. Big, strong and ruthless predator, the wolf inhabits the whole Northern part of the Earth’s land, from the tundra of the far North of Eurasia and North America to the Arabian desert and the Indian jungle. In winter hungry wolves gather in large flocks to hunt for large prey: moose, deer, wild boar. The pack led by the alpha male — the strongest and most experienced wolf. In the pack only the alpha male and his spouse, substance wolf, better offspring. Cubs feed the whole pack. In the summer, when it’s easier to find food, the wolf pack often break, and the wolves live alone.

Living in different conditions, the wolves look different. Forest wolves, the inhabitants of dense thickets, are darker than their cousins from the southern desert, which hides in the sand light gray-beige wool. In the tundra and in the eternal Arctic ice there live the large Arctic wolves. Spending most of the year in the snow, these wolves became white. Summer in the tundra for the wolves of Novodevichy is small and similar to mice rodents lemmings, and hares, and arriving on nesting geese. Continue reading

Kyrgyzstan – the birthplace of the mammoths?
The other day in Bishkek brought the remains of an ancient animal, who two weeks…


How birds foretell rain
Feathered inhabitants of the globe can not only delight us with their beauty and wonderful…


To have or not to have a pet
Many people just love different Pets. But when the family changes residence, often she won't…


Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


Houseplants that are dangerous to the health of humans and animals
Unhealthy plants.As we know, indoor plants decorate the interior, clean and humidify the air and…

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