Unusual Pets and their costs
Studies prove that Pets help avoid depression, asthma, allergies and improve the dynamics of family…

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In the state Duma drafted a list of dangerous dog breeds
A group of United Russia headed by the Chairman of the Committee for the protection…

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Unusual Pets: Iguana common
Thinking about Pets in the first place, remember the cats and dogs. It is of…


Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans
According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand…


In Italy ban circus animals
Among European countries, which banned the use of animals in circuses, intends to accede and…



Dogs and cats carry more than 30 pathogens

Rabies vaccination does not guarantee complete safety of your pet, as dogs and cats carry more than 30 types of bacteria that cause dangerous infections, among which are Staphylococcus aureus MRSA. Delayed after being bitten by a visit to the emergency room is fraught with abscess, osteomyelitis, and even sepsis with lethal outcome.

Modern dog appeared about 15 thousand years ago in territory of modern China as a result of domestication of the wolf. Cats began to share their warmth and purrs with people about 9.5 thousand years ago in Cyprus, ruthlessly exterminating rats and mice, carriers of dangerous infections and just ruiners of the economy.

But even the most devoted and the most well-groomed pet can give its owner a nasty surprise.

Richard Hilaire from the University of South Florida and his colleagues have described more than 30 kinds of various infections that can keep Pets.

Despite the ever-increasing number of different exotic and unusual Pets just like crocodiles, goannas, rats and mice, the main volume among bitten and scratched still be owners of cats and dogs. This is approximately 1% of all cases obrasheniya the emergency room. Only in Moscow for a year “victims” like a stray and domestic dogs are about 30 thousand people, which amounts to 80% of all cases of animal attacks on humans (except, of course, attack the people themselves on people). Continue reading

TOP 7 most dangerous animals

We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even dangerous to our health and sometimes even life, animals. But this does not mean that to have Pets does not need! On the contrary – is even necessary. Just need to remember on how to behave with animals and know how to protect themselves from danger that may come from your tender and affectionate, but still the beast!

So, the TOP 7 potentially dangerous Pets

Last, 7-th place belongs to a nice fluffy bunnies . in danger which is very difficult to believe! Often rabbits are our first domestic animal that people just buy from those considerations, that from them no harm. Well, except that gnawed wiring. But in the end, it can be prevented! But not so easy. Rabbits are carriers of a disease called tularemia, which is dangerous. It can be diagnosed only by medical means. So, try to get the rabbits their reliable sources.

All parrots favorite is on 6th place . In our list they were due to the fact that they are carriers of dangerous diseases psittacosis, which parrots can become infected and people. Although the annual number of casualties from etabolism and small, it is still worth to monitor the health of your feathered Pets. In addition, parrots owners of very sharp beak, which in itself can serve him a potent weapon against your hands, stick to his abode to the abode clean or just Pat a small of the warrior. So, be careful and don’t place the beak of your vociferous friends without proper attention! Continue reading

Stick insects – Unusual Pets

Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too unattractive. But the stick is another matter. In fact, they are most common among insects contained in the home. If you want to have a stick, you may find it at the pet store or the lover of exotic animals. Most stick insects come from tropical regions of Central and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa. In Europe and North America are inhabited by only few species.

It is best to buy stick insects . while they are still in the larval stage, but has already hosted several rope’s end. Make sure that all six legs of the insect intact and the whole body looks healthy. Ask the person from whom you bought it, about the rules of care for these insects. To take the stick insects home with you in a plastic box with a few holes in the lid for air. Inside the box place a few plants that stick insects could eat. Eventually they will need permanent housing.

This home can be rented tank with a special lid that allows access of air. Make sure the stick insects will be spacious enough. In close quarters they can’t feed themselves and can start to fight among themselves.

The ideal food for most stick insects will be currant leaves; some also eat the leaves of the Privet and rhododendron.Keep the leaves moist with a spray bottle for spraying plants. In addition, put in the aquarium a few sprigs that stick insects could climb on them. Some stick insects need to drink, so they constantly have to be in a shallow saucer of fresh water. Continue reading

Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan
According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with…


Who has a cat, he can not be afraid of loneliness.
The cat was described as the most perfect predator, as the embodiment of physical beauty…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


Houseplants that are dangerous to the health of humans and animals
Unhealthy plants.As we know, indoor plants decorate the interior, clean and humidify the air and…


To have or not to have a pet
Many people just love different Pets. But when the family changes residence, often she won't…

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