Guinea pigs - care and maintenance
How to bathe a Guinea pig of interest to many owners of Guinea pigs. Bathing…

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Stick insects - Unusual Pets
Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too…

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Other dog breeds, Poodle
As already mentioned in the introductory article, there are some dog breeds that have the…


Parrot diarrhea. Prevention and treatment
In 90% of cases of the disease in parrots, including diarrhea, occur at the fault…


The procedure of cremation of animals
Life is too serious thing. Sometimes things do not go as we would like. Sometimes…



TOP 7 most dangerous animals

We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even dangerous to our health and sometimes even life, animals. But this does not mean that to have Pets does not need! On the contrary – is even necessary. Just need to remember on how to behave with animals and know how to protect themselves from danger that may come from your tender and affectionate, but still the beast!

So, the TOP 7 potentially dangerous Pets

Last, 7-th place belongs to a nice fluffy bunnies . in danger which is very difficult to believe! Often rabbits are our first domestic animal that people just buy from those considerations, that from them no harm. Well, except that gnawed wiring. But in the end, it can be prevented! But not so easy. Rabbits are carriers of a disease called tularemia, which is dangerous. It can be diagnosed only by medical means. So, try to get the rabbits their reliable sources.

All parrots favorite is on 6th place . In our list they were due to the fact that they are carriers of dangerous diseases psittacosis, which parrots can become infected and people. Although the annual number of casualties from etabolism and small, it is still worth to monitor the health of your feathered Pets. In addition, parrots owners of very sharp beak, which in itself can serve him a potent weapon against your hands, stick to his abode to the abode clean or just Pat a small of the warrior. So, be careful and don’t place the beak of your vociferous friends without proper attention! Continue reading

Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan

According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with stray cats and dogs will have children

Birobidzhan, February 28, EAOMedia. Frequent cases of poisoning of domestic animals from the poisons with which unidentified persons are fighting with stray animals in Birobidzhan, frightened pet owners. Citizens concerned about the safety of children who may suffer from poisoning, their mental health, since the death of Pets is on the front of the children, as well as the inaction of the municipal authorities and law enforcement agencies.

In all, more cases of poisoning of dogs, every day we receives information about new cases. Today, this area of DSM, Hill yesterday, previously the centre of the city. Poisoned dogs and Pets that walk on the leash, so the poison scattered in the yards where our children walk. Today, a child was walking her puppy, and when I came home, the puppy for 10 minutes died in terrible agony right in front of the child.

The police are on their way to a call, accept statement, but outnobody conversations “not for publication” that it is useless, to wait for the results is not worth it. And they themselves are doing to get results? No operational activities, no inspections of dead bodies, no forensics, no witness interviews, no nothing. This is the level of our Russian police? Maybe we’re all in cahoots?

Utilities should control the population of stray animals. But instead of a real job, instead create municipal service contract with the entrepreneur of Khabarovsk, the representatives of which are here on short visits and became famous for the whole DV to the fact that they have more on paper. Continue reading

Dogs and cats in good hands

You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to give their dogs, cats or their offspring. You expect to pay the dog or cat is in good hands or put in a shelter. Then you need to know in the sphere of adopting a lot of fraud . and fraud cruel . the result is usually death of the animal within a few days after “finding a home”. In addition to a good, kind and responsible people, your animals may be of interest to very dangerous people – they are, unfortunately, very much. Before you attach animal wherever it is, please read this information.

I. not to give animals 1. Revoluntary and liabiuty, dealers. 2. Beggars, beggars with animals. 3. Breeders have. “Puppy factory” (“Puppy farms”). 4. Sadistic butchers and inadequate, mentally ill people. 5. Employees and suppliers of Korean restaurants. 6. Satanists. 7. Fissures. 8. Zoophiles. 9. The organizers of dog fights. 10. Owners of large pet reptiles. 11. Unreliable hosts.

II. What to do to your animal became a sacrifice 1. The content of advertisements and the selection of sites for placement. 2. A conversation with a caller on the ad and verification of contact information. 3. “Remote adoption” and sending animals to drogaraia. 4. A personal acquaintance with potential hosts. 5. Interview with potential hosts. 6. Safety of the animal after adopting: monitoring of the situation. 7. Questions and answers.

That hell is on earth, known for a long time and many, but not all know where. Besides, we all have our own is the most common version.

But there are places where the word “hell” is not a metaphor, not a comparison, not Association – the most that neither is the reality of suffering, of horror and gnashing of teeth.

The animal shelter is hell for everyone living in it. Few people dare to visit these torture chambers and that very unity is to work there. Continue reading

New year and Pets
Pre-holiday bustle, bright elegant tree will definitely cause a huge interest in your pet. The…


Unusual Pets and their costs
Studies prove that Pets help avoid depression, asthma, allergies and improve the dynamics of family…


Unusual Pets: Iguana common
Thinking about Pets in the first place, remember the cats and dogs. It is of…


The puppy not peeing outside
Puppies of some breeds learn "to go to the toilet on the street" in 4…


How birds foretell rain
Feathered inhabitants of the globe can not only delight us with their beauty and wonderful…

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