Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…

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Can a pregnant to take care of Pets?
Pregnancy and Pets. What can be the care of Pets during pregnancy? Many pregnant women…

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How birds foretell rain
Feathered inhabitants of the globe can not only delight us with their beauty and wonderful…


A family dog
In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes,…


The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…



Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan

According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with stray cats and dogs will have children

Birobidzhan, February 28, EAOMedia. Frequent cases of poisoning of domestic animals from the poisons with which unidentified persons are fighting with stray animals in Birobidzhan, frightened pet owners. Citizens concerned about the safety of children who may suffer from poisoning, their mental health, since the death of Pets is on the front of the children, as well as the inaction of the municipal authorities and law enforcement agencies.

In all, more cases of poisoning of dogs, every day we receives information about new cases. Today, this area of DSM, Hill yesterday, previously the centre of the city. Poisoned dogs and Pets that walk on the leash, so the poison scattered in the yards where our children walk. Today, a child was walking her puppy, and when I came home, the puppy for 10 minutes died in terrible agony right in front of the child.

The police are on their way to a call, accept statement, but outnobody conversations “not for publication” that it is useless, to wait for the results is not worth it. And they themselves are doing to get results? No operational activities, no inspections of dead bodies, no forensics, no witness interviews, no nothing. This is the level of our Russian police? Maybe we’re all in cahoots?

Utilities should control the population of stray animals. But instead of a real job, instead create municipal service contract with the entrepreneur of Khabarovsk, the representatives of which are here on short visits and became famous for the whole DV to the fact that they have more on paper. Continue reading

A family dog

In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, Arctic foxes, wild and domestic dogs. Almost all dog — clever and skillful hunters. They have an elongated snout with strong jaws, which is convenient to reach for the victim in the pursuit and to apply her many sharp teeth biting, until she falls from his wounds. For fast running dog has got sturdy body and long strong legs with powerful blunt claws.

The gray wolf

Ordinary, or gray, wolf — “the face” of the canine and Central view of the large kind of wolves. Big, strong and ruthless predator, the wolf inhabits the whole Northern part of the Earth’s land, from the tundra of the far North of Eurasia and North America to the Arabian desert and the Indian jungle. In winter hungry wolves gather in large flocks to hunt for large prey: moose, deer, wild boar. The pack led by the alpha male — the strongest and most experienced wolf. In the pack only the alpha male and his spouse, substance wolf, better offspring. Cubs feed the whole pack. In the summer, when it’s easier to find food, the wolf pack often break, and the wolves live alone.

Living in different conditions, the wolves look different. Forest wolves, the inhabitants of dense thickets, are darker than their cousins from the southern desert, which hides in the sand light gray-beige wool. In the tundra and in the eternal Arctic ice there live the large Arctic wolves. Spending most of the year in the snow, these wolves became white. Summer in the tundra for the wolves of Novodevichy is small and similar to mice rodents lemmings, and hares, and arriving on nesting geese. Continue reading

TOP 7 most dangerous animals
We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even…


Who has a cat, he can not be afraid of loneliness.
The cat was described as the most perfect predator, as the embodiment of physical beauty…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…


Unusual Pets: Iguana common
Thinking about Pets in the first place, remember the cats and dogs. It is of…


Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…

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