Houseplants that are dangerous to the health of humans and animals
Unhealthy plants.As we know, indoor plants decorate the interior, clean and humidify the air and…

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In the Rostov region began spring vaccination of domestic animals
In the Rostov region began spring vaccination of domestic animals. Inoculation on year ensures, in…

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World of animals: best of the best
Amazing and diverse world of animals . Most of the most: the smallest. the most…


Who has a cat, he can not be afraid of loneliness.
The cat was described as the most perfect predator, as the embodiment of physical beauty…


In the state Duma drafted a list of dangerous dog breeds
A group of United Russia headed by the Chairman of the Committee for the protection…



In the Rostov region began spring vaccination of domestic animals

In the Rostov region began spring vaccination of domestic animals. Inoculation on year ensures, in particular, protection against rabies, vectors of which are foxes. The recent cases were reported in two districts of the region.

Visit the team of veterinarians takes no more than 15 minutes. Routine vaccinations for animals in the Rostov region are doing right at home. So no four-legged inhabitant of the backyard will not avoid unpleasant, but necessary procedure. Nelly Linchuk such rounds am glad, otherwise she would have to wage a veterenarnaja station all his flock, according to the “TV Center” .

One vaccination guarantees the animal for a whole year protection from anthrax, plague, leptospirosis and the most common disease is rabies.

“On site there have been outbreaks of rabies, laboratory research, it was confirmed. But a lesion is localized. All dangerous diseases, transmitted from animals to humans. Therefore, fighting with them,” said the paramedic Oleg Fedoryshyn. Continue reading

The animals and people of different viral diseases.

On Friday in mass-media appeared information that Pets can catch the flu from their owners. However, in an interview with TV channel “360” veterinarian Marina Riviera has denied this information, saying that the animals and people of different viral diseases.

“Bullshit. It’s impossible. Human flu does not go on nor cats, nor dogs, nor birds, nor to whom. These are two completely different strain. All viral diseases are different in humans and in animals”, – said the interlocutor of TV channel “360”.

According to Rivera, among the viral diseases that cats get sick, flu-calicivirus and rhinotracheitis. However, they can be avoided, making the animal vaccinated once a year.

How to avoid the flu

“No cat flu, there is calicivirus, rinotraheitis, which can be called influenza, but it is not. This is the standard feline viral diseases, and to avoid it we need to vaccinate the animals”, said the Riviera. Continue reading

In Italy ban circus animals

Among European countries, which banned the use of animals in circuses, intends to accede and Italy. Since 2012, Europe has increasingly supported a “human circus”. Latvian zoodefenders hope that soon this law will be adopted in Latvia.

RIGA, 28 Mar Sputnik. The Italian government plans to ban the use of animals in circuses across the country, it will also affect foreign circuses, performances. Now in views can take part only people, writes Italian Corriere della Sera.

And it’s not just promises: the bill proposed by the Minister of culture of Italy Dario Franceschini, has already passed the consideration of the Parliament and sent to the Senate. However, the ban will be phased in gradually, the law may come into force soon.

It’s the first law of its kind in Europe: in 2012, Greece banned the use of animals in circuses. In most European countries have total or partial bans.

So, in Belgium it is impossible to act in the circus with wild animals, but parrots and camels are considered domestic, in Estonia and Poland circus animals can’t be born in Decouverte. In Portugal vetoed to the circus with apes (orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees), and in Hungary it is forbidden to train elephants. Sometimes the bans are only part of the country: for example, wild animals in circuses is illegal in Barcelona and in the Norwegian province of Tromso. Continue reading

Top 10 most expensive exotic Pets
Without a doubt, we all adore our household Pets, especially lucky in this respect cats…


Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…


How to feed Pets in crisis: expert
In connection with the fall of the ruble pet food has risen sharply. Many owners…


How birds foretell rain
Feathered inhabitants of the globe can not only delight us with their beauty and wonderful…

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