15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…

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15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…

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15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…


The content spotted eublepharis
Ablefor or spotted leopard Gecko — manual unpretentious home-cooked lizards. We derive a variety of…


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TOP 7 most dangerous animals

We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even dangerous to our health and sometimes even life, animals. But this does not mean that to have Pets does not need! On the contrary – is even necessary. Just need to remember on how to behave with animals and know how to protect themselves from danger that may come from your tender and affectionate, but still the beast!

So, the TOP 7 potentially dangerous Pets

Last, 7-th place belongs to a nice fluffy bunnies . in danger which is very difficult to believe! Often rabbits are our first domestic animal that people just buy from those considerations, that from them no harm. Well, except that gnawed wiring. But in the end, it can be prevented! But not so easy. Rabbits are carriers of a disease called tularemia, which is dangerous. It can be diagnosed only by medical means. So, try to get the rabbits their reliable sources.

All parrots favorite is on 6th place . In our list they were due to the fact that they are carriers of dangerous diseases psittacosis, which parrots can become infected and people. Although the annual number of casualties from etabolism and small, it is still worth to monitor the health of your feathered Pets. In addition, parrots owners of very sharp beak, which in itself can serve him a potent weapon against your hands, stick to his abode to the abode clean or just Pat a small of the warrior. So, be careful and don’t place the beak of your vociferous friends without proper attention! Continue reading

Expensive breeds of cats

Cats – one of the oldest companions of the man. Most of us are accustomed to mongrel cats that “walk by themselves”, or live in our homes. However, there is another category of these mysterious animals – pedigree cats. We present to your attention 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world.

Russian blue cat (up to$2000)

It’s not the most expensive breed of cats, but she enjoys great popularity since the time of ancient Slavs. And if earlier it was common only in Russia, in the late 18th century the situation has changed thanks to the English breeder K. Cox. Cats are calm and good with kids.

The Serengeti (to 2000$)

This breed appeared relatively not so long ago, by crossing a Bengal and Oriental breeds. Cats are very impressive – well-built, brindle colour, with droopy ears and long legs. Love the game, very mobile.

Which translated to English means “tiger”. Resemblance to a tiger’s really obvious. Or to be more precise, it is even a miniature of it and now every animal lover will be able to get home a tiger cub, paying a certain amount.

American Curl (up to$3,000)

You can meet both short-haired and long-haired dogs.But both have one distinctive feature is the ears, which seem specially wrapped back. And what is most surprising – at birth the kittens ears are no different from regular cats ears. Continue reading

A family dog

In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, Arctic foxes, wild and domestic dogs. Almost all dog — clever and skillful hunters. They have an elongated snout with strong jaws, which is convenient to reach for the victim in the pursuit and to apply her many sharp teeth biting, until she falls from his wounds. For fast running dog has got sturdy body and long strong legs with powerful blunt claws.

The gray wolf

Ordinary, or gray, wolf — “the face” of the canine and Central view of the large kind of wolves. Big, strong and ruthless predator, the wolf inhabits the whole Northern part of the Earth’s land, from the tundra of the far North of Eurasia and North America to the Arabian desert and the Indian jungle. In winter hungry wolves gather in large flocks to hunt for large prey: moose, deer, wild boar. The pack led by the alpha male — the strongest and most experienced wolf. In the pack only the alpha male and his spouse, substance wolf, better offspring. Cubs feed the whole pack. In the summer, when it’s easier to find food, the wolf pack often break, and the wolves live alone.

Living in different conditions, the wolves look different. Forest wolves, the inhabitants of dense thickets, are darker than their cousins from the southern desert, which hides in the sand light gray-beige wool. In the tundra and in the eternal Arctic ice there live the large Arctic wolves. Spending most of the year in the snow, these wolves became white. Summer in the tundra for the wolves of Novodevichy is small and similar to mice rodents lemmings, and hares, and arriving on nesting geese. Continue reading

Parrot diarrhea. Prevention and treatment
In 90% of cases of the disease in parrots, including diarrhea, occur at the fault…


The animals and people of different viral diseases.
On Friday in mass-media appeared information that Pets can catch the flu from their owners.…


15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…


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