Dogs and cats in good hands
You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to…

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Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan
According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with…

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The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


Who has a cat, he can not be afraid of loneliness.
The cat was described as the most perfect predator, as the embodiment of physical beauty…



Pets that eat rodents?

All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay rodents, consult your veterinarian about it. A diet containing seeds and nuts is NOT recommended. However, if you are offered high-quality seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds) and nuts are high in fat and low in calcium, for many rodents this diet is more preferable, but not so useful.

How often to feed rodents?

Fresh feed and clean water should be available all the time in the bowls or in the drinker (depending on the type of rodent). Many owners use a heavy and stable bowl, although available on the market and other types of bowls that you can attach to the cage.

Do I need to give my rodent vitamins?

No, domestic rodents do not need additional vitamins if they are adequately fed. Just add the vitamins to poor nutrition – not the best way to feed rodents.

Is it possible to give the rodent treats?

Seeds and nuts can be given in small portions (no more than 5-10% of the total daily diet). You can offer your rodents a fresh, well-cleaned vegetables on ezhednevnikov and sometimes feeding them a small amount of fruit. Green vegetables will also be acceptable, like yellow and orange. Total daily value of these “human foods” should not exceed 10% of their diet. Continue reading

Parrot diarrhea. Prevention and treatment

In 90% of cases of the disease in parrots, including diarrhea, occur at the fault of the owner of the birds is wrong podborany food for parrot, inadequate level of hygiene in the cage and in the room in General, poor conditions of detention (for example, violation of the light regime) – this is one of the main reasons for the weakening of immunity birds that contribute to the emergence and development of painful conditions.

Parrot diarrhea

Diarrhea in a parrot is one of the most common diseases faced by bird owners.

Diseases of the stomach in parrots can cause the following causes: spraying aerosols in the room, poor quality food and even some potted plants.

Diarrhea can be caused by two very similar disorders or diarrhea, or polyuria. The polyuria is very watery droppings, but they retain their shape, and with diarrhea the feces are soft, shapeless mass.

When any disease of the bird immediately notices the change of state of the birds. She may refuse food, becomes listless and silent.

During the diarrhea parrot long sits at the bottom of the cage, refuses to eat. In the excrement of birds you can get large blotches of green, sometimes even blood. Also the allocation of can purchase grey. Because of the diarrhea parrot soiled feathers under the tail (around the cloaca). And indeed clearactivity inflamed and painful. Continue reading

The procedure of cremation of animals
Life is too serious thing. Sometimes things do not go as we would like. Sometimes…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


Guinea pigs - care and maintenance
How to bathe a Guinea pig of interest to many owners of Guinea pigs. Bathing…


Dogs and cats in good hands
You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to…


The puppy not peeing outside
Puppies of some breeds learn "to go to the toilet on the street" in 4…

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