To have or not to have a pet
Many people just love different Pets. But when the family changes residence, often she won't…

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How dangerous is psittacosis? Veterinary laboratory
Pathogen — neorickettsia (chlamydia), in their evolutionary development they are between bacteria and viruses. The…

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The animals and people of different viral diseases.
On Friday in mass-media appeared information that Pets can catch the flu from their owners.…


Animals that you never would have thought they were relatives.
We've learned that the relationship determines the resemblance: is it fair to expect a couple…


How birds foretell rain
Feathered inhabitants of the globe can not only delight us with their beauty and wonderful…



Pets will be excellent teachers for your child

Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they are the perfect teachers for young children. That is why sooner or later in adults, the question arises how to choose a pet at a pet store. Of course, it is highly recommended to consider all aspects related to the care of Pets since and is followed by carefully monitored and nurtured. Experts have identified five good reasons to buy your child a pet.

1. The child will become responsible. As you know, Pets form the children a sense of responsibility and learn to care from a very young age. Satisfying the need of the animal in affection and amusement, simultaneously talking to him, the child will eventually become more empathetic and compassionate. Parents, before buying a pet for your child, you need to realize the seriousness of this act. In addition, you should explain to the child that animals are not toys, and they require constant care and walking.

2. Have confidence in your own abilities. Along with the responsibility for the life of the animal the child is instilled self-confidence. In the process of training the pet, the child reaches certain outcomes, which allows him to take pride in themselves and overall achievements. And it develops such boleznennymi as a sense of purpose and enjoyment from their labour. Continue reading

Dogs and cats carry more than 30 pathogens

Rabies vaccination does not guarantee complete safety of your pet, as dogs and cats carry more than 30 types of bacteria that cause dangerous infections, among which are Staphylococcus aureus MRSA. Delayed after being bitten by a visit to the emergency room is fraught with abscess, osteomyelitis, and even sepsis with lethal outcome.

Modern dog appeared about 15 thousand years ago in territory of modern China as a result of domestication of the wolf. Cats began to share their warmth and purrs with people about 9.5 thousand years ago in Cyprus, ruthlessly exterminating rats and mice, carriers of dangerous infections and just ruiners of the economy.

But even the most devoted and the most well-groomed pet can give its owner a nasty surprise.

Richard Hilaire from the University of South Florida and his colleagues have described more than 30 kinds of various infections that can keep Pets.

Despite the ever-increasing number of different exotic and unusual Pets just like crocodiles, goannas, rats and mice, the main volume among bitten and scratched still be owners of cats and dogs. This is approximately 1% of all cases obrasheniya the emergency room. Only in Moscow for a year “victims” like a stray and domestic dogs are about 30 thousand people, which amounts to 80% of all cases of animal attacks on humans (except, of course, attack the people themselves on people). Continue reading

TOP 7 most dangerous animals

We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even dangerous to our health and sometimes even life, animals. But this does not mean that to have Pets does not need! On the contrary – is even necessary. Just need to remember on how to behave with animals and know how to protect themselves from danger that may come from your tender and affectionate, but still the beast!

So, the TOP 7 potentially dangerous Pets

Last, 7-th place belongs to a nice fluffy bunnies . in danger which is very difficult to believe! Often rabbits are our first domestic animal that people just buy from those considerations, that from them no harm. Well, except that gnawed wiring. But in the end, it can be prevented! But not so easy. Rabbits are carriers of a disease called tularemia, which is dangerous. It can be diagnosed only by medical means. So, try to get the rabbits their reliable sources.

All parrots favorite is on 6th place . In our list they were due to the fact that they are carriers of dangerous diseases psittacosis, which parrots can become infected and people. Although the annual number of casualties from etabolism and small, it is still worth to monitor the health of your feathered Pets. In addition, parrots owners of very sharp beak, which in itself can serve him a potent weapon against your hands, stick to his abode to the abode clean or just Pat a small of the warrior. So, be careful and don’t place the beak of your vociferous friends without proper attention! Continue reading

Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


The biggest cat in the world
The cat is now one of the most popular Pets. The so-called animal companion. Once…


TOP 7 most dangerous animals
We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even…


Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…


How dangerous is psittacosis? Veterinary laboratory
Pathogen — neorickettsia (chlamydia), in their evolutionary development they are between bacteria and viruses. The…

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