Expensive breeds of cats
Cats – one of the oldest companions of the man. Most of us are accustomed…

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The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…

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Other dog breeds, Poodle
As already mentioned in the introductory article, there are some dog breeds that have the…


Pets that eat rodents?
All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay…


Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan
According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with…



Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans

According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand people . that is, one person in every 10 minutes. Economic damage this disease ranks fifth and is the tenth leading cause of death amongst infectious diseases. From 30 to 60 percent of victims are children under the age of 15 years.

Rabies is a deadly viral disease, the pathogen which attacks the Central nervous system and leads usually to death. Infection of humans comes from domestic and wild animals, mostly carnivores, as a result of close contact with infected saliva or bites and causing scratches.

The incubation period of rabies lasts from 10 days to 1 year (usually 1-3 months).

Clinical signs of the disease appear most often after 3 to 8 weeks after infection. A reliable diagnosis of rabies is established only in the laboratory.

In dogs and cats clinically distinguish two main forms of the disease: the lush and quiet. Often rabies can occur in atypical forms.

Clinical signs of rabies in humans. In the beginning of the disease in humans marked depression, high temperature and fever, itching at the bite site.Later manifested a respiratory embarrassment, fearfulness. Stage of excitation is characterized by a fear of water. At the end of the disease is para Continue reading

The biggest snake in the world

You want to know what the biggest snake in the world? Anaconda, boa or Python? Below is information about the largest snakes in the world. Read on.

You probably watched with awe the movie Anaconda. The great mighty and powerful snake, which can easily be called the largest snake. Watching the film, you must be interested in whether there are large snakes in the world. Well, apart from the fantasy and some fictitious aspects, there are definitely snakes that grow up to 6-9 meters. So, what is the largest snake in the world? Let’s learn more about the different types of snakes, huge in size.

Among the different types of snakes on Earth today, species belonging to the class of Pythons and Boas, are the largest of them. Here are some of the biggest snakes on Earth, along with the images.

Reticulated Python. Reticulated Python or Python reticulatus is the largest species of pythons, as well as the world’s longest snake. The average length of this Python exceeds 6 meters. The largest reticulated Python that was found is more than 8 meters in length. Black, brown, red and yellow – the typical colour of this Python, and it is found in Southeast Asia and the Philippines. Interestingly, reticulated pythons are also very popular as Pets. Continue reading

How dangerous is psittacosis? Veterinary laboratory

Pathogen — neorickettsia (chlamydia), in their evolutionary development they are between bacteria and viruses.

The source of infection is often a sick bird — a virus carrier, releasing the microorganisms from nasal mucus, sneezing, coughing, with the dung. Infection occurs by airborne and alimentary, particles of dried droppings from sick birds, downs, slomannye the epithelium of the skin can get into the lungs, air sacks of birds and gastro-intestinal tract and there penetrating through the mucous membranes, causing the disease. A bird ill with psittacosis, usually for a long period of time remains a virus carrier.

Reservoir and source of infection for humans are domestic and wild birds. The largest epidemiological significance have Pets poultry (especially ducks and turkeys), room birds (parrots, wavy parrots, Canaries and other small songbirds) and especially urban pigeons and crows, the infestation of which ranges from 30-80%.

Ill persons who are constantly in contact with birds (poultry workers, meat processing plant, breeders of birds, etc.) the Ill person primarily middle-aged and older, children get sick much less often. Patients with psittacosis not a danger to others represent. In the human body, the pathogen enters mainly through the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Infection occurs by inhalation of dust containing chlamydia (dried particles of bird faeces and discharge from the beak, contaminated particles down, etc.). Continue reading

Cat breeds
Believe it or not, but a long time ago in one of the monasteries of…


Kyrgyzstan – the birthplace of the mammoths?
The other day in Bishkek brought the remains of an ancient animal, who two weeks…


Stick insects - Unusual Pets
Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…


The animals and people of different viral diseases.
On Friday in mass-media appeared information that Pets can catch the flu from their owners.…

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