A family dog
In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes,…

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How to feed Pets in crisis: expert
In connection with the fall of the ruble pet food has risen sharply. Many owners…

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Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


Expensive breeds of cats
Cats – one of the oldest companions of the man. Most of us are accustomed…



Stick insects – Unusual Pets

Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too unattractive. But the stick is another matter. In fact, they are most common among insects contained in the home. If you want to have a stick, you may find it at the pet store or the lover of exotic animals. Most stick insects come from tropical regions of Central and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa. In Europe and North America are inhabited by only few species.

It is best to buy stick insects . while they are still in the larval stage, but has already hosted several rope’s end. Make sure that all six legs of the insect intact and the whole body looks healthy. Ask the person from whom you bought it, about the rules of care for these insects. To take the stick insects home with you in a plastic box with a few holes in the lid for air. Inside the box place a few plants that stick insects could eat. Eventually they will need permanent housing.

This home can be rented tank with a special lid that allows access of air. Make sure the stick insects will be spacious enough. In close quarters they can’t feed themselves and can start to fight among themselves.

The ideal food for most stick insects will be currant leaves; some also eat the leaves of the Privet and rhododendron.Keep the leaves moist with a spray bottle for spraying plants. In addition, put in the aquarium a few sprigs that stick insects could climb on them. Some stick insects need to drink, so they constantly have to be in a shallow saucer of fresh water. Continue reading

New year and Pets

Pre-holiday bustle, bright elegant tree will definitely cause a huge interest in your pet. The animal will be considered or even try to play with fir branches and toys. so don’t forget to firmly secure the Christmas tree. Decorating her remember that the most dangerous, especially for cats, “rain”. Long crisp and brilliant thread cause they have an overwhelming desire to play, and sometimes eat unusual toy.

Due to the anatomy of the cat language the animal could not spit out the thread and forced to swallow it. The rain is not digested, injure the intestines and cause obstruction. Often animals hit glass balls with fir branches. The toy is broken, and the animal cut into sharp shards paws. Fragile decorations must be hung only on an unattainable height for the animal. Keep in mind that cats can climb the tree and get favorite toy from any branch. Not worth it to hang on the Christmas tree and edible decorations, especially if your dog has a sweet tooth. Dangerous for Pets and electric garlands – say otherwise has no wire can cause injury. But what to decorate the Christmas tree? Try to decorate Christmas tree plastic toys, painted cones, paper streamers. Continue reading

Dogs and cats in good hands

You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to give their dogs, cats or their offspring. You expect to pay the dog or cat is in good hands or put in a shelter. Then you need to know in the sphere of adopting a lot of fraud . and fraud cruel . the result is usually death of the animal within a few days after “finding a home”. In addition to a good, kind and responsible people, your animals may be of interest to very dangerous people – they are, unfortunately, very much. Before you attach animal wherever it is, please read this information.

I. not to give animals 1. Revoluntary and liabiuty, dealers. 2. Beggars, beggars with animals. 3. Breeders have. “Puppy factory” (“Puppy farms”). 4. Sadistic butchers and inadequate, mentally ill people. 5. Employees and suppliers of Korean restaurants. 6. Satanists. 7. Fissures. 8. Zoophiles. 9. The organizers of dog fights. 10. Owners of large pet reptiles. 11. Unreliable hosts.

II. What to do to your animal became a sacrifice 1. The content of advertisements and the selection of sites for placement. 2. A conversation with a caller on the ad and verification of contact information. 3. “Remote adoption” and sending animals to drogaraia. 4. A personal acquaintance with potential hosts. 5. Interview with potential hosts. 6. Safety of the animal after adopting: monitoring of the situation. 7. Questions and answers.

That hell is on earth, known for a long time and many, but not all know where. Besides, we all have our own is the most common version.

But there are places where the word “hell” is not a metaphor, not a comparison, not Association – the most that neither is the reality of suffering, of horror and gnashing of teeth.

The animal shelter is hell for everyone living in it. Few people dare to visit these torture chambers and that very unity is to work there. Continue reading

Cat food, canned food for cats, dry food for cats
The very first Pets were cats, and they have to this day never cease to…


Who has a cat, he can not be afraid of loneliness.
The cat was described as the most perfect predator, as the embodiment of physical beauty…


Cat food, canned food for cats, dry food for cats
The very first Pets were cats, and they have to this day never cease to…


World of animals: best of the best
Amazing and diverse world of animals . Most of the most: the smallest. the most…


Room thrushes-fieldfares
In three weeks I went to town, got into the Internet and made many discoveries!…

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