15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…

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Advice animals under one year veterinary clinic
This is the most common misconception owners. These statements inspire buyers of purebred animals breeders…

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Plants dangerous for Pets
There are many plants that are dangerous not only for humans but also for Pets.…


The biggest snake in the world
You want to know what the biggest snake in the world? Anaconda, boa or Python?…


Can a pregnant to take care of Pets?
Pregnancy and Pets. What can be the care of Pets during pregnancy? Many pregnant women…



Stick insects – Unusual Pets

Insects rarely kept as Pets. For some it is difficult to care, others look too unattractive. But the stick is another matter. In fact, they are most common among insects contained in the home. If you want to have a stick, you may find it at the pet store or the lover of exotic animals. Most stick insects come from tropical regions of Central and South America, Australia, Asia and Africa. In Europe and North America are inhabited by only few species.

It is best to buy stick insects . while they are still in the larval stage, but has already hosted several rope’s end. Make sure that all six legs of the insect intact and the whole body looks healthy. Ask the person from whom you bought it, about the rules of care for these insects. To take the stick insects home with you in a plastic box with a few holes in the lid for air. Inside the box place a few plants that stick insects could eat. Eventually they will need permanent housing.

This home can be rented tank with a special lid that allows access of air. Make sure the stick insects will be spacious enough. In close quarters they can’t feed themselves and can start to fight among themselves.

The ideal food for most stick insects will be currant leaves; some also eat the leaves of the Privet and rhododendron.Keep the leaves moist with a spray bottle for spraying plants. In addition, put in the aquarium a few sprigs that stick insects could climb on them. Some stick insects need to drink, so they constantly have to be in a shallow saucer of fresh water. Continue reading

Cat food, canned food for cats, dry food for cats

The very first Pets were cats, and they have to this day never cease to be favorites of many. Since these animals for a well looked after, and not chewing on everything, they prefer many other Pets. But since the cat settling next to him, her diet is changing dramatically, it is necessary to know features of the structure of the digestive tract, to prevent terrible mistakes in the diet and not to bring the animal to disease. So, cats are carnivores and their digestive system is shorter. This means that in the diet of a pet is always a higher percentage must be present meat than other products.

Feed the cat from the master’s table, even if You are willing to give her the most, in Your opinion tasty, not worth it, because it’s no good will not. And prepare for pet helpful meals very expensive, as many of us simply do not have time.

That’s why, for over half a century, many owners prefer to feed your pet ready products, specially prepared for him.

Today there are a large variety of products for Pets, these include: Continue reading

The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…


Advice animals under one year veterinary clinic
This is the most common misconception owners. These statements inspire buyers of purebred animals breeders…


The puppy not peeing outside
Puppies of some breeds learn "to go to the toilet on the street" in 4…


How dangerous is psittacosis? Veterinary laboratory
Pathogen — neorickettsia (chlamydia), in their evolutionary development they are between bacteria and viruses. The…


Top 10 most expensive exotic Pets
Without a doubt, we all adore our household Pets, especially lucky in this respect cats…

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