Pets that eat rodents?
All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay…

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Guinea pigs - care and maintenance
How to bathe a Guinea pig of interest to many owners of Guinea pigs. Bathing…

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The puppy not peeing outside
Puppies of some breeds learn "to go to the toilet on the street" in 4…


International research center treatment and rehabilitation animal
Veterinary center, which focuses on inpatient treatment and rehabilitation. The staff of the centre are…


Dogs and cats carry more than 30 pathogens
Rabies vaccination does not guarantee complete safety of your pet, as dogs and cats carry…



Expensive breeds of cats

Cats – one of the oldest companions of the man. Most of us are accustomed to mongrel cats that “walk by themselves”, or live in our homes. However, there is another category of these mysterious animals – pedigree cats. We present to your attention 10 most expensive cat breeds in the world.

Russian blue cat (up to$2000)

It’s not the most expensive breed of cats, but she enjoys great popularity since the time of ancient Slavs. And if earlier it was common only in Russia, in the late 18th century the situation has changed thanks to the English breeder K. Cox. Cats are calm and good with kids.

The Serengeti (to 2000$)

This breed appeared relatively not so long ago, by crossing a Bengal and Oriental breeds. Cats are very impressive – well-built, brindle colour, with droopy ears and long legs. Love the game, very mobile.

Which translated to English means “tiger”. Resemblance to a tiger’s really obvious. Or to be more precise, it is even a miniature of it and now every animal lover will be able to get home a tiger cub, paying a certain amount.

American Curl (up to$3,000)

You can meet both short-haired and long-haired dogs.But both have one distinctive feature is the ears, which seem specially wrapped back. And what is most surprising – at birth the kittens ears are no different from regular cats ears. Continue reading

Pets have become victims of barbaric persecution in Birobidzhan

According to pet owners, the following objects of the actions of the unknown wrestlers with stray cats and dogs will have children

Birobidzhan, February 28, EAOMedia. Frequent cases of poisoning of domestic animals from the poisons with which unidentified persons are fighting with stray animals in Birobidzhan, frightened pet owners. Citizens concerned about the safety of children who may suffer from poisoning, their mental health, since the death of Pets is on the front of the children, as well as the inaction of the municipal authorities and law enforcement agencies.

In all, more cases of poisoning of dogs, every day we receives information about new cases. Today, this area of DSM, Hill yesterday, previously the centre of the city. Poisoned dogs and Pets that walk on the leash, so the poison scattered in the yards where our children walk. Today, a child was walking her puppy, and when I came home, the puppy for 10 minutes died in terrible agony right in front of the child.

The police are on their way to a call, accept statement, but outnobody conversations “not for publication” that it is useless, to wait for the results is not worth it. And they themselves are doing to get results? No operational activities, no inspections of dead bodies, no forensics, no witness interviews, no nothing. This is the level of our Russian police? Maybe we’re all in cahoots?

Utilities should control the population of stray animals. But instead of a real job, instead create municipal service contract with the entrepreneur of Khabarovsk, the representatives of which are here on short visits and became famous for the whole DV to the fact that they have more on paper. Continue reading

Plants-bait for bees, butterflies, birds and beneficial insects.
The garden is not only filled with the aromas and bright colors of the place…


Room thrushes-fieldfares
In three weeks I went to town, got into the Internet and made many discoveries!…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…


British Shorthair
British cat — an adorable plush creature with a round face and playful Golden eyes.…

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