Cat breeds
Believe it or not, but a long time ago in one of the monasteries of…

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Unusual Pets and their costs
Studies prove that Pets help avoid depression, asthma, allergies and improve the dynamics of family…

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Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans
According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand…


To have or not to have a pet
Many people just love different Pets. But when the family changes residence, often she won't…


The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…



Dogs and cats in good hands

You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to give their dogs, cats or their offspring. You expect to pay the dog or cat is in good hands or put in a shelter. Then you need to know in the sphere of adopting a lot of fraud . and fraud cruel . the result is usually death of the animal within a few days after “finding a home”. In addition to a good, kind and responsible people, your animals may be of interest to very dangerous people – they are, unfortunately, very much. Before you attach animal wherever it is, please read this information.

I. not to give animals 1. Revoluntary and liabiuty, dealers. 2. Beggars, beggars with animals. 3. Breeders have. “Puppy factory” (“Puppy farms”). 4. Sadistic butchers and inadequate, mentally ill people. 5. Employees and suppliers of Korean restaurants. 6. Satanists. 7. Fissures. 8. Zoophiles. 9. The organizers of dog fights. 10. Owners of large pet reptiles. 11. Unreliable hosts.

II. What to do to your animal became a sacrifice 1. The content of advertisements and the selection of sites for placement. 2. A conversation with a caller on the ad and verification of contact information. 3. “Remote adoption” and sending animals to drogaraia. 4. A personal acquaintance with potential hosts. 5. Interview with potential hosts. 6. Safety of the animal after adopting: monitoring of the situation. 7. Questions and answers.

That hell is on earth, known for a long time and many, but not all know where. Besides, we all have our own is the most common version.

But there are places where the word “hell” is not a metaphor, not a comparison, not Association – the most that neither is the reality of suffering, of horror and gnashing of teeth.

The animal shelter is hell for everyone living in it. Few people dare to visit these torture chambers and that very unity is to work there. Continue reading

The puppy not peeing outside

Puppies of some breeds learn “to go to the toilet on the street” in 4 months, most of them in 7-8 months and some breeds are notorious late and difficult to get used to the cleanliness. More on this later. Even if your puppy by age still can’t stand the house and all the “things” to do on the street, that doesn’t mean he needs to pee and to poop only at home — so he’ll never learn clean.

There are a few tricks will help your puppy make his first puddle on the street.

1) Note what time the puppy wakes up. Prepare everything in advance — the shoes, the coat, the hat… All is right in my pajamas it was possible to throw on the robe and drag the kid outside. Set the alarm clock. Get up — sleepy puppy to the household, quickly snapped up the robe and on the hands bring out your pet on the lawn. Walk 5-10 minutes. Did not work? Upset early.

2) Before you feed the puppy, put on his collar and leash. Put the bowl. Once he ate on the right hand and stand on the lawn. There again waiting for 5-10 minutes. If during this time did not work — your dog is just heroically sustained. Patiently waited and waited and all brought home. Rejoice! His body pozvolyaya to control their own impulses, and therefore once he masters the cleanliness will be as hard all “to convey” to the street. Continue reading

Pets that eat rodents?

All pet rodents can eat high quality granulated feed. Many veterinarians also recommend that hay rodents, consult your veterinarian about it. A diet containing seeds and nuts is NOT recommended. However, if you are offered high-quality seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds) and nuts are high in fat and low in calcium, for many rodents this diet is more preferable, but not so useful.

How often to feed rodents?

Fresh feed and clean water should be available all the time in the bowls or in the drinker (depending on the type of rodent). Many owners use a heavy and stable bowl, although available on the market and other types of bowls that you can attach to the cage.

Do I need to give my rodent vitamins?

No, domestic rodents do not need additional vitamins if they are adequately fed. Just add the vitamins to poor nutrition – not the best way to feed rodents.

Is it possible to give the rodent treats?

Seeds and nuts can be given in small portions (no more than 5-10% of the total daily diet). You can offer your rodents a fresh, well-cleaned vegetables on ezhednevnikov and sometimes feeding them a small amount of fruit. Green vegetables will also be acceptable, like yellow and orange. Total daily value of these “human foods” should not exceed 10% of their diet. Continue reading

A family dog
In the dog family of about 40 species of animals like wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes,…


Top 10 most expensive exotic Pets
Without a doubt, we all adore our household Pets, especially lucky in this respect cats…


Top 10 most expensive exotic Pets
Without a doubt, we all adore our household Pets, especially lucky in this respect cats…


The procedure of cremation of animals
Life is too serious thing. Sometimes things do not go as we would like. Sometimes…


Room thrushes-fieldfares
In three weeks I went to town, got into the Internet and made many discoveries!…

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