Pets will be excellent teachers for your child
Not all parents are aware that Pets bring real benefit to its owner – they…

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World of animals: best of the best
Amazing and diverse world of animals . Most of the most: the smallest. the most…

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Dogs and cats in good hands
You decide to do with those animals or do you for some reason need to…


TOP 7 most dangerous animals
We are all aware that Pets can sometimes be cute, furry animals, and very even…


15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…



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15 exotic animals, that may be your pets

To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to buy another article of clothing. But in vain. Because the animal becomes a full member of the family, and personally I don’t see how you can take and throw out the one who spent so much time with you. As bequeathed by the wise Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “We are responsible for those who tamed!”

I started the material with a little lyrical digression, because the article will be devoted to Pets, but not very common. Many people want to surprise their friends and relatives exotic pet. We offer a small selection of living creatures that can make themselves, but not everyone agrees!

The capybara the capybara is the largest rodent in the world. Is a relative of Guinea pigs and lives in South America. It is extremely gentle animals that love to be pampered. Depending on where you live, you may need a permit to become the owner of such a handsome man. Well, in any case, you must make sure that the water hogs came up (the second name of capybaras) there were many places where she could run.

Fenech Fenech reaches an Adult size of Chihuahua. Weight Fenech does not exceed 1,5 kg. This is an extremely friendly establishment with a huge amount of energy (in addition to sleep time, of course). Sterianinna for them to prepare a huge cage, filled with sand so that the animal could dig. Well, better to find out from authorities how do local laws to have such a pet. Continue reading

Rabies is a deadly viral disease of animals and humans

According to the world health organization, annually in the world dies from rabies 55 thousand people . that is, one person in every 10 minutes. Economic damage this disease ranks fifth and is the tenth leading cause of death amongst infectious diseases. From 30 to 60 percent of victims are children under the age of 15 years.

Rabies is a deadly viral disease, the pathogen which attacks the Central nervous system and leads usually to death. Infection of humans comes from domestic and wild animals, mostly carnivores, as a result of close contact with infected saliva or bites and causing scratches.

The incubation period of rabies lasts from 10 days to 1 year (usually 1-3 months).

Clinical signs of the disease appear most often after 3 to 8 weeks after infection. A reliable diagnosis of rabies is established only in the laboratory.

In dogs and cats clinically distinguish two main forms of the disease: the lush and quiet. Often rabies can occur in atypical forms.

Clinical signs of rabies in humans. In the beginning of the disease in humans marked depression, high temperature and fever, itching at the bite site.Later manifested a respiratory embarrassment, fearfulness. Stage of excitation is characterized by a fear of water. At the end of the disease is para Continue reading

Guinea pigs – care and maintenance

How to bathe a Guinea pig of interest to many owners of Guinea pigs. Bathing Guinea pigs need about 1 a month. Owners often worry when it comes time to wash, especially if the water pig begins to resist and squeak. So as not to cause moral, and even more physical harm to your pet, follow our recommendations.

Abnormal occlusion of the teeth, not Stacijas, as expected, can much atractii to pose a threat to the life of the pig. The length of teeth of Guinea pigs need to constantly monitor and, if necessary, to bite off their sharp wire cutters to the desired length.

The owner of the Guinea pig need to know what to look for to identify a sick Guinea pig or not. If you find at least one of the following symptoms, always consult with your pet to the vet. Let the veterinarian conduct a complete examination and determine what the cause of the malaise.

Buying a Guinea pig, you need to first decide some important issues. Are you able to care for a Guinea pig throughout her life? Do you have the time and desire to communicate with your pet every day? Continue reading

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15 exotic animals, that may be your pets
To have a pet is a very important step, to which many refer as to…


The government will determine breeds of dogs, which will need to train
The government is going to determine breeds of dogs, which will need to be sure…


What kind of pet to have?
What kind of pet to have and what to look for when choosing a Thing.Roux…


Kyrgyzstan – the birthplace of the mammoths?
The other day in Bishkek brought the remains of an ancient animal, who two weeks…


Unusual Pets: Iguana common
Thinking about Pets in the first place, remember the cats and dogs. It is of…

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